Science is the most effective instrument of persuasion of contemporary society, specially in developed countries. In a world characterized by the social division of work, everyone is at the same time expert and lay depending on the subject. By means of science, people can be persuaded to change their attitudes and their ways of behaving.
Publicity and propaganda induce changes on peoples’ sets of values and standards of behaviour by using communication techniques coming from social psychology. Determinant factors of these strategies are age, gender, race, social class, national identity, and other characteristic features of potential publics.
Historically publicity and propaganda’s borderline has not been always well delimited. Moreover, there has been a wide range of coincidences, similarities and intersections.
Objectives of the fourth edition of the European Spring School are to analyse:
intersections and delimitations between publicity, propaganda and techno science (including biomedicine).
promotion of consumption by means of a scientific discourses.
scientific rhetoric as an instrument for the legitimation of power.
For postgraduate students, the participation in the School is an option recognised with 2 ECTS of the unit ‘Science and its publics’ in the framework of the Master “History of Science. Science, History and Society” (, organised by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Universitat de Barcelona. An evaluation is required.
Organizing Committee: Josep Miquel Vidal, Antoni Roca-Rosell, Àlvar Martínez-Vidal, Enrique Perdiguero, Matiana González, Núria Pérez.
Thursday 17 May 2007
11:00 Participants welcome
Evening session
16:00-18:00 «Basics concepts of publicity and propaganda». Vicente Benet (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló)
18:00-18:30 Coffee break
18:30-19:30 Discussion
Friday 18 May 2007
Morning session
9:30-11:30: «Which comes first? The patient, the doctor, the industry or the regulator: advertising medicines in Twentieth-Century Britain». Tilli Tansey (Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, London)
11:30-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-13:00 Discussion
Evening session
16:00-18:00 «Science and propaganda in Twentieth-Century Germany». Mark Walker (Union College, Schenectady NY)
18:00-18:30 Coffee break
18:30-19:30 Discussion
Saturday 19 May 2007
Morning session
9:30-11:30 Round table: «Science, publicity and propaganda in historical perspective», chairman Enrique Perdiguero (Universitat Miguel Hernández, Elx)
11:30-12:00 Coffee break
12:00 General discussion
School language: English
Place: Institut Menorquí d’Estudis (Camí des Castell, Maó, Menorca)
REGISTRATION (deadline: 4 May 2007)
Full registration*: 350 Euros
Partial registration (without transport): 250 Euros
* Deadline of this option: 2 April 2007. It includes registration fee, return ticket by plane from Barcelona + aero bus + two nights accommodation in a double shared room (half board).
Flight details:
Thursday 17 May 2007: IB1784 Barcelona 6:55 – Menorca 7:40
Saturday 19 May 2007: IB1789 Menorca 18:10 – Barcelona 18:55
Bank transfer: Viatges Magón. Caixa de Balears Sa Nostra C/C 2051-0114-01-1037067466
Cheque num. …………………………………………………………..
Credit card………………….. Num. ……………………
Expiry date ……………………………
Please return the registration form to:
4th European Spring School of History of Science. Viatges Magon. Av. J. Anselm Clavé 28, 07703 Maó (Menorca) by fax: +34 971 351 146 or e-mail:
A limited number of grants will be provided in order to cover school fees, accommodation and/or travel expenses. Applicants may apply by sending a CV and a motivation letter by e-mail to before 16 March 2007. Credit card information (number and expiry date) will be required to awarded participants in order to guaranteeing their attendance to the school.
For further information please contact:
Institut Menorquí d’Estudis
Camí des Castell, 28
07702 Maó (Menorca)
Tel.: 971 35 15 00
Fax: 971 35 16 42
Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica
Carrer del Carme 47 – 08001 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 324 85 81
Fax: +34 93 270 11 89
Organizing Committee until 2005: Josep Miquel Vidal, Antoni Roca-Rosell, Víctor Navarro, José Pardo-Tomás, Alfons Zarzoso
2001, May 17-19. Museums
2003, April 3-5. Journalism
2005, April 14-16. Cinema
Former lecturers
Bennett, Jim (University of Oxford, England)
Brenni, Paolo (Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, Italy)
Cantor, Geoffrey (University of Leeds, England)
Jurdant, Baudouin (Université de Paris VII, France)
Martinet, Alexis (Institut de Cinématographie Scientifique, Meudon, France)
Olmi, Giuseppe (Università di Bologna, Italy)
Pickstone, John (University of Manchester, England)
Rasmussen, Anne (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Weinants, Thomas (Visual Media, Belgium)
Weingart, Peter (Bielefeld Universität, Germany)
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