A Year Without a Winter: A Climate for Monsters

Cicle de col·loquis de la SCHCT


“A Year Without a Winter: A Climate for Monsters”

a càrrec de

Dehlia Hannah (Berlin)

Dijous, 14 de juny de 2018 a les 19h a l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (C/Carme 47, Barcelona)

This talk presents the results of A Year Without a Winter, a three-year transmedia inquiry into the environmental conditions under which Frankenstein was written and its parallels to today’s growing climate crisis. Conceived during the notorious “year without a summer” of 1816, a period of global climate cooling caused by the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia the previous year, Frankenstein registers a nascent awareness of environmental catastrophe in literary form. What monsters may be born in our midst as temperatures and sea levels rise, polar ice caps melt, and human and other species seek new habitats in a changing world? A Year Without a Winter offers answers through newly commissioned science fiction and visual art, essays on philosophy, history of architecture and environment, humanitarian aid, and curatorial wanderings to extreme environments.

Dehlia Hannah is a philosopher and curator, presently working as a Researcher with Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from Columbia University. As a field philosopher, she regularly collaborates with artists, scientists and journalists to explore topics related to the Anthropocene. A Year Without a Winter was published as an edited book by Columbia University Press in 2018.

Web: http://dehliahannah.com/,https://cup.columbia.edu/book/a-year-without-a-winter/9781941332382

Coordinador: Fernando Vidal (ICREA)